Bio Illusion is an independent film production company based in Prague, Czech Republic, that focuses on development and production of original feature films, film service and international co-production.
Content created by Bio Illusion consists of award-winning feature films of various genres including comedy, drama, thriller, animation and documentary. Films produced by Bio Illusion are regularly distributed in Europe, North and South America and Asia. 
In 2003, Bio Illusion was founded by a European Film Academy member, Miloslav Šmídmajer who had previously managed the first privately held film studio in the Czech Republic, Herueka Film, for which he produced films like Accumulator 1 (Jan Svěrák) and A Pin for the Butterfly (Susan Kodicek). 


Bio Illusion is highly experienced in the field of film and TV projects creation. We are proud of making each project unique in a creative and friendly atmosphere. As we cooperate with top professionals, our priority is to find creative solutions for all kind of projects while delivering on time and within the budget. 
Since we make our own original projects, we understand the needs and concerns of the client. In order to deliver a high-quality filmmaking while meeting the best standards of film service, we approach each project as if it was our own.

Filming in the Czech Republic has many advantages - besides astonishing locations and great filmmakers, there are also INCENTIVES of 20% (according to Czech government’s decision, the percentage should be raised soon), MINORITY CO-PRODUCTION support and many local and regional support options for on-location shooting (e.g. Prague Film Fund, South Moravian Film Fund, Zlín Film Fund etc.). 

Advertising, film partners

Bio Illusion offers an option to create a full advertising campaign tied to our feature films. The size of the advertising campaigns comes in several standard packages as well as individual custom-made solutions.

We collaborate with various companies across the fields, from small Czech businesses to multinational corporations. You can find our references in the description of each completed feature film. If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us.


Bio Illusion, s.r.o.
Jabloňová 2929/30
106 00 Praha 10
Baarova 43/27
140 00 Praha 4
ID:   62908049
VAT:   CZ62908049

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